Kasturi Associates
Specialized in labour and industrial matters, (Litigation and Advisory) negotiations with unions, Statutory prosecutions under Factories Act and other enactments, Provident Fund and ESI matters, Sexual Harrassment related matters. Please see our subjects page for more.

The firm offers consultation on appointment only. Consultation is provided on all aspects dealt with by the firm. Please click on subjects to know what the firm essentially deals with Read more

Statutory Authorities
We also appear before various statutory Authorities and quasi judicial bodies like the Controlling Authority under the Payment of Gratuity Act, the Employees' Compensation Commissioner etc Read more

Appearance before court
Representation in court for our firm has always been a passion and not just a profession. An art that we enjoy. We appear before High Court, Labour Courts Read more

Statutory Audits
Labour laws are vast and like any other law, apply by their own force. There are documents to be maintained, returns to be filed and provisions to be followed. Even a small violation can cost a prosecution Read more

Sexual Harassment Related
Sexual Harassment is probably one of the most discussed topics in the recent times. We have our advocate Mrs.Sribhoomi Yesaswini who has been practicing for the past 18 years and handling Sexual Harrassment related aspects since inception of the enactment in 2013 Read more
Associated with us is Senior Counsel Mr. K. Kasturi with over 50 years of experience.
Seek E-Opinion by mailing us your queries.